
Traditionally the medicinal and health benefits of the Gurạdji leaves were a valuable part of daily life for Aboriginal people. It was the wise or clever men that knew when and for what to use Gurạdji. From healing to ceremony to maintaining balanced health. Gurạdji was seen as so powerful and special only the wise men maintained the knowledge and would give permission for the use and access to Gurạdji.

  • Traditionally Gurạdji was used to relieve toothache pain. The leaves were made into an emaciated paste and compacted around the affected tooth. It was also used to relieve pain during tooth evulsion (extraction) coming of age ceremony for young men.
  • Gurạdji leaves were chewed with water for vitality effects and to suppress hunger when travelling long distances
  • It was also placed in water and left in the sun to steep. This was drunk to relieve upset stomachs, period pain, cramps, headaches and wind
  • Made into a compress Gurạdji was used topically to relieve swelling, infection and pain
  • It was smoked for its calming analgesic affects and to relieve anxiety.
  • Importantly Gurạdji was smoked ceremonially for welcoming visitors to Country.